We arrived up at the sheds at our usual time of about 6.30am and noticed one of our girls was behaving a bit strangely...suddenly everything we had learnt in our lambing course the week before was making sense. She had isolated herself from the rest of her friends and was busy trying to make a nest for herself in the straw, in between lying down, leaning her head back and licking her lips! We kept a close eye on her whilst we fed the others and after a while we thought we ought to give her a hand. We could see two front feet and a nose but she was making slow progress on her own. We managed to catch her and with a bit of a pull out came her lamb! He was a big lamb, no wonder she was struggling on her own. After a little while we moved her into her own pen so she could 'mother up' with her new baby. We are pleased to say they are both doing really well and we have since moved them into a nursery with the lambs who were born at our Christmas event who are now enormous!
Our next surprise was on Wednesday morning when a pair of twins arrived. This time she did not need any help at all and had them all by herself. We were a little concerned about them as they are on the small side but we are happy to say they are doing really well and suckling well off their Mummy. Today is Thursday and there has been no new arrivals today....yet!
Some of you in the Oxford area may have seen us on the front page of the Oxford Times today, what a surprise! We were thrilled and hope it might encourage people to contact us to buy some delicious lamb, arrange a visit or come along on one of our open lambing weekends (20th & 21st March and 27th & 28th March - keep an eye on our website for details).
Before we go, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all our friends and neighbours in Little Wittenham, Long Wittenham and Brightwell cum Sotwell (in particular Sue at the Red Lion) for supporting us when the Oxford market was cancelled due to the bad weather.
Thank you for reading and we will keep in touch on the lamb count!
Camilla, Roly, Boris and Meg