We are slowly getting used to our new beautiful surroundings. The South Downs are just amazing and our sheep look so happy and we are loving being able to see them as we drive back home towards the farm. We did our first big sheep job last week and brought all the ewes into the yard to select the ewes who we will keep their female offspring for our future breeding stock. I love this annual job as it is selecting the 'prettiest' of our girls . . . although Roly is more interested in their genetics, previous lambing history and general performance as a sheep! Molly and Freddie took part too and Molly has found a favourite spot in the yard which she is using as a dancing stage so the flock were even being entertained! We've selected 83 and they are in the 'croft' field which is right outside our window which is lovely.
We've had a couple of very wet days here but it still looks beautiful and then makes us appreciate the dry sunny days even more like this morning. I stand at our kitchen window and look up to our far arable field and then beyond to our neighbours Aberdeen Angus cows grazing on Newtimber hill, wow!
Plans are already underway for our lambing open days, we will keep you posted on dates but we are so excited by using the buildings here for mothering up pens, it really will be special and will create a wonderful atmosphere which we can't wait to share.
Bed and breakfast, shepherd for the day, mail order, visits will all be up and running soon, watch this space and place your first Saddlescombe lamb order!
Camilla, Roly, Molly, Freddie, Boris and Belle