Not Tudor times but 2014 here at Saddlescombe! Having discussed calving times with some helpful and informed friends and family we decided it was time for Henry to meet his wives which means we will be calving for the first time here at Saddlescombe in February and March 2015. We weren't sure how loading him into the livestock trailer would go, but it seems those boys always know, just like the rams do when it comes to their time to meet the girls. He trotted up and happily skipped out of the trailer and did a good circuit (running) around the field until he found them. He seemed even bigger out of the yard and in the field and compared to the cows coats, his seemed very dull in colour. Now it is gleeming like the others and looks wonderful, such a deep, velvety brown/red. The cows remain a joy to have on the farm and going to visit them is a treat, they are so quiet as we walk amongst them. We take a bucket with a few treats so we can have an excuse to give them a cuddle!
It probably seems like the sheep are taking a bit of a back seat at the moment, well they're not honestly. The lambs are growing really well, and the final ewe lambed only last week! So lambing 2014 is now officially over. Routine annual jobs like protecting them from fly strike (making sure flies eggs do not hatch out into maggots on their fleeces) to worming are all happening at the moment and then Brian is due to come down and shear for us at the beginning of June.
Our piggies arrive mid July, 3 girls (gilts) from the Tedfold Saddleback herd where I went on my pig keeping course back in February. Really exciting. They will live in the traditional piggery behind where Belle currently sleeps. Not sure what she will think of her new neighbours when they arrive!
The farm like everywhere at this time of year is looking particularly stunning, cow parsley, buttercups, butterflies and the swallows have arrived and busy finding somewhere to nest.
We now have lamb burgers available with our lamb packs for easy suppers and delicious barbeque treats. Pork and beef are a little way off yet, but watch this space!
Camilla, Roly, Molly, Freddie, Boris and Belle
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