It is a mixture of feeling really excited and a little bit daunted at the same time.The lorries are booked for us and for the sheep. It still doesn't feel real and probably won't until the sheep are being unloaded into their new home at Saddlescombe Farm in West Sussex and we will be able to see them from our window. We arrive a few days ahead of the sheep so it won't feel like home until they arrive and we observe them settling into their new fields. They are such creatures of habit so it will be so interesting to see where they will choose as their favourite spots.
There seem to be lists everywhere of things which still need to be done and I'm adding to them as quickly as I'm ticking things off! We have our last market in Oxford on Thursday and we are not enjoying saying goodbye to all of our lovely customers who have kept us going on those chilly, wet market mornings. We have learnt so much from them from amazing lamb recipes to top tips on bringing up a young family.
We booked a babysitter the other evening and went for an amazing walk around the Clumps and felt very nostalgic and sentimental. We will miss the views here so much and watching them change through the seasons. We will grow to love our new views on the South Downs particularly from some points where we can see the sea!
Our next post may well be post move with a lot of things to share, we look forward to it very much.
Camilla, Roly, Molly, Freddie, Boris and Belle
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