Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Moving a flock? That’s the easy bit….

What we are most worried about is setting up broadband and taking deliveries at a farm where there is no mobile reception.  This is what is currently keeping me up at night.

With all house moves there are the ‘knowns’ and the ‘unknowns’.  The biggest known is the amount of oxygen we are going to need for all the deep breaths required for being on the other end of the phone speaking to someone about installing our lifeline for our business, broadband.  These conversations will need to be had half way up the hill away from the house and chances are in a rain shower.

Despite these ‘knowns’ we remain incredibly excited and focussed on the time beyond the initial start up teething pains.  Teething is a regular word in our house at the moment as I frantically race around trying to find anything which will relieve Freddie’s poor little gums.

Daily sheep checks are now last thing in the day when it is cool enough for them to graze.  They are all looking really well and what a contrast to last year when it was so wet!  We never had consecutive days of good weather so we can hardly believe our eyes when the 5 day forecast has full suns everyday!  The lambs will be weaned off their Mums fairly soon so we are busy planning the next months grazing plan to keep the lambs in good condition.

More soon

Camilla, Roly, Molly, Freddie, Boris and Belle

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